-Phase 2 open for sale
-23 units of luxurious 3 storey terrace house in Ghee Hiang Ghiang, 23 Green Terraces @ Ghee Hiang Residences.
-Land area 1915sf and above, built-up 4512sf and above
-Type A 10 units (22' x 88' to 96')
-Type B 13 units (22' x 92' to 96')
-5 rooms with 6 bathrooms
-Price from RM2.988Mil
-A型供十间 (阔22尺,长88尺至96尺)
-B型供十三间 (阔22尺,长92尺至96尺)
-售价马币298.8万以上 (请联络我以获取特别优惠配套)
(Below) Standard unit